If God is calling you to serve among the unreached in Central America, then you will want to consider one of these seven mission agencies church planting among the unreached of Central America.
Unreached of Central America – Who are they?
An unreached people group is normally classified as any people group that does not have enough local evangelical Christians to reach the others in the population, usually thought to be less than 2%.
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Central America is widely recognized to consist of seven countries: Guatemala, Belize, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, and El Salvador.
The following mission agencies are committed to bringing God’s word to all areas of Central America, but especially the groups who have not heard, or have heard very little.
Seven Mission Agencies to Consider
Although there is a large number of mission agencies working in Central America, we have compiled a list of seven well-known agencies that we partner with at The Mission App. This list is not in any particular order but each of these agencies does excellent work.
One Mission Society
” Our vision is to reach at least one billion people with the Gospel by 2026. You can make a difference in this global effort to multiply disciples, churches, leaders, and missionaries.” – One Mission Society website
One Mission Society seeks to reach those who have not heard the gospel in many ways, including focusing on global immigrants who would have been considered unreached in their home countries.
Find out more about One Mission Society
According to their website, OMF believes that “that God is at work on behalf of East Asia’s peoples in sending contexts in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.” They are seeking mutually beneficial partnerships in countries around to help the people of East Asia become a part of the missions movement.
If you are looking for a tested and long-lasting agency, OMF is celebrating over 150 years of missions service.
Global Fellowship
Wanting to reach the lost in the language they are most familiar with, known as their heart language, Global Fellowship’s “priority is to introduce the gospel to people in their own language and culture.” -Global Fellowship website
If transparency is a non-negotiable for you, you will enjoy hearing about Global Fellowship’s policy that “100% of every cent donated to a Global Fellowship missionary goes directly to the mission field with nothing subtracted.”
Find out more about Global Fellowship
New International
According to their website, “New International exists to proclaim Christ & make disciples globally. Our vision is to join with God to restore His dominion on earth, as evidenced by people of all nations”.
New International places an emphasis on the well-being of the missionaries in the field, using a network of Regional Directors to check on their personal health and growth.
Find out more about New International
One Challenge
One Challenge has their own specific branch for Latin America, calling it Sepal, which translates as “servindo aos pastores e lideres” (Serving Pastors and Leaders).
Opening missions in Latin America in 1958, One Challenge has a team in Guatemala, seeking to reach the locals there with “One passion, one vision, ONE CHALLENGE.” – One Challenge website
Find out more about One Challenge
WIM, or World Indigenous Missions, is an interdenominational organization that seeks to “stablish indigenous churches and works. Indigenous works are self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating.” – WIM website
This way of proclaiming the gospel tries to set the local church up for success long-term, not needing support or help from foreigners.
One Collective
According to their website, One Collective implements a strategy called “Integrated Community Transformation.” They “begin by ensuring that no one is invisible and everyone has access to food, freedom, and forgiveness. Access to those holistic needs opens the door for deep transformation.”
With established communities in both Nicaragua and Honduras, One Collective is well equipped to support new missionaries seeking to enter Central America.
Find out more about One Collective
Is God calling you to the unreached of Central America?
If this is your heart, please take the next step & fill out our mission application. We can then connect you with these mission agencies who work among the unreached in Central America.
Don’t wait! “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”